Thursday, September 16, 2010

exam is over & i wan to ...

i want, i need, i must, i should, i have to

yipee!! finally my horrible terrible vegetable exam week has OFFICIALLY over...

is time for me to have myself relax while for 3 MONTHS of study MONTHS.
is time to repair my zombies look (i m so scare to look on the mirror now, worry i ll get fainted after seeing my face now)
by transferring myself to miss Sleeping Beauty hohohoho

ohya... i dont need any prince to wake me coz i wan to sleep as much as i wan & i will sure wake up by myself (modern sleeping beauty) ^^
so, prince(s) out there, no need to come ya but if u r handsome, i may consider bout it wakaka

p/s: at Bintulu, Sarawak now.. happy holiday Eevee & AFA2 ^^

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