Monday, October 4, 2010

oh my! which should i choose?

as i had mention in the previous previous xxx post..

i need to make a choice of my further option papers
paper P4, P5, P6 or P7
which should i choose? i need some suggestions frm you all

P4, Advance Financial Performance - tough paper
P5, Advance Performance Management - not so sure wat is tis about
P6, Advance Taxation - vy tough paper as tis in Mal paper, so the examiner vy strict plus our lecturer 'ma ma die' plus pro senior also can fail.
P7, Advance Audit & Assurance - definately won't choose as i hate audit >.<

both my 1st choice r tough papers, both cathergories as killers!
supposedly i wanted to choose Advance Tax & Advance Financal Performance
however, due frm passing rate & result from pro senior in ACCA examination,
lecturer keeps remind & not encourage us to take tax, i got the feeling of changing my mind
which means tat the only other choice is APM
however, i wish to do tax after i graduate

will i pass my ACCA on time?
should i go get myself killed by both killers?
or choose an easier 1 to help me pass on time?

the deadline of option is getting nearer, n i still very 'you yi' with my choice
which should i wan? please help me...
to AFA 2, what is your choice?

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