Monday, November 1, 2010

Trip to Pasar IKAN Tawau

if my frens ask me to recommend any food in Sabah

the 1st food that come to my mind is SEAFOOD!!

so how can i miss the chance of eating seafood when i come back to my lovely hometown leh?

Yesterday i went to fish market of Tawau
really have been long time i din't go there, i cant remember at all when is my last time of going there
once u step in, u will transform to old ppl, coz u have to walk slowly as the floor is sooo wet
tis is my 1st time take pic on fish market XD
dad ask me, m i foreigner come from somewhere ^^

so many types of weird looking fishes! (sry, i dont know the names :p)

i realised that the price of fish is not tat cheap, but once u think tat u hardly eat SEAfood, u wont think of the price

big fish!!!

big prawns!

big crabs!! (my favourite.. yumm yummy)

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