Friday, March 18, 2011

Libresse came to TARC

so nice to study at Tar College, everytime got roadshow muahaha.
n i got to get lot goodies or promotion

This time, Libresse visited TARC!
I think most of you don't know wat is Libresse hor?
Actually Libresse is a new brand of sanitary pad
(so tis roadshow more suitable to girls hehe)

there r few stations we have to go through b4 we get our Sample

i got a free book mark on my personalities too ^^
I'm Sporty~
got my name on it leh...

Here comes the exciting part!!

I rode tis thingy called Orbiton~
Can't believe i dare ride on it as my 'hempedu' vy small
But dint regret as i got a fun experience today ^^
(bcoz play tis have to tie my hair end up i look like ah po =.=)

lucky is it manual & he turn vy slow
if not i scared kena pusing till back to another zaman

1 comment:

excalade89 said...

Eevee jadi atom sudah. hahahahahaha