Thursday, April 21, 2011

a trip to Cameron Highland

right after celebrating my birthday, the next day i went to Cameron Highland wit 1 of my roommate
yup.. only 2 of us...

lucky Puduraya has reopen n wont need go to Bukit Jalil to take the bus

a really big different for the new Pudu compare to last time

i still can remember vividly the old Pudu.. really a nitemare for me last time

got bit of airport feel, coz there got tv to show time for bus depart n arrive

HOWEVER the staff was very selfish n unfriendly

coz when we wanted to ask for is there any bus to back .

they VERY FAST TURN their FACE black n say 'SAYA TAK TAU'. wat an 'GOOD' attitude they give to us oh??

about 4 hour bus trip was not fun at all
i dont think there will be next time for me to go there...

the road to Cameron was Extremely danger n vy PENING lah...

i think it turn for more than 100 times, n i totally cant sleep at all
fortunately i got a strong stamina tat i dint vomit on the journey
right after reach we sign up for an Agro Tour package (feel got bit cheated

FULL with vege trips~

vege vege n vege!!!

flower~ all kind of Chrysanthemum

Strawberry Farm which u must not miss out

Cactus Point
(a lot of mini cactus you can buy from here)

steamboat buffet (vegetables only)

most of the restaurants here was steamboat restrau, mayb the weather in Cameron was nice to have steamboat

we ate tis was included in the tour package (once again feel bit cheated coz there are many more other restaurant which look delicious to eat)

stay at tis Budget hotel
Hotel Chua Gin
overall still ok.. u cant expect more as it is only rm 50 per nite

right after reach Cameron you really can see all sort all variety of hotel,
from very cheap to extremely expensive but u must do some research so tat u wont end up stay at very dirty hotel

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