Friday, November 5, 2010

Tawau's Old Town

ya ya!! Old Town White Coffee came (officially open last 2 days) to Tawau!
quite big coz the owner bought 2 shops, 1 side for smoking area & other side for non smoking area

'O' missing half of the light

it just open the 2nd day but something wrong wit their 'sign board'
they sure order cheap light... XD

went there 'yam cha' wit my frens last nite
as expected, no place... but fortunately we did not wait tat long to get a place
BUT i wait quite long time for the waiters come n clean up the table, feeling not many waiters & waitress or maybe there r too many people
the price here is bit expensive compare to west Malaysia, i think because the 'kopi need to naik kapal terbang pass 1 big sea to come here'
my drink quite fast served BUT they forgotten some of our order, once again we need to wait..
expected again but tis time we wait for a LONG time (for 1hr++)

overall, the atmosphere is quite good

but as for the foods, erm... still okok lor (i din't taste it but my frens said so)
as for the drinks, it still taste the same ^^
sry for no pic for the foods, coz scare later my frens 'beh tahan' me ^^


Unknown said...

hmm they always try to squeeze all profit but then still ok lor only as eevee say so need more better service

wey said...

4 me its normal lo,its bcuz they juz opening...but nway ive been there b4.. ist fun n their service so good..