Friday, December 17, 2010

Is not the end yet

Just finish my P1 to P3 paper
really a horrible nitemare for me
n i do really learn a few leason here
1st: Really a much to constant study
2nd: dont expect ur hard work ll get paid

sitting 3 papers in a row is not a good choice! REALLY, so if u wan to take this 3 papers together u must think it wisely
i knw, u may feel u can handle it, but y have to make urself suffer if u got the chance to choose?
Perhaps you can do better if u take it separate

However, my journey has not end here, i going facing the last 2 paper next year.
i do do very very hope i can do much more better so tat i wont regret again


Timothy said...

ui mak cik!!!!! hang in there la. u can do it one. mak cik shim bah ni. hehhe. how u oh. miss u very de much le.

Eevee said...

yaya .. i still keep ask myself to tahan haha..
miss u too.. cepat balik go play!!