Sunday, December 26, 2010

Happy Winter Solstice

i knw i knw, tis post is very outdated
i wish to write asap but i dint get any photos from my frens of tat day (till now still havent got it yet)

tis year i dint got to celebrate wit Cayenne like last previous year coz she went back to her hometown
but fortunately, i got bunch of frens willing to celebrate wit me ^^
went to have buffet steamboat wit them, feeling tat i cant eat much compare to previous
mayb is a good things, continue to keep fit!!
after tat, I went to their house make glutinous rice ball 'tang yuan'!!!
although also ready made, but tis time we can make our own shape...
but too bad, all cute cute shapes which i make dint turn out to be perfect after cook.. T.T

although once again dint got to celebrate wit my beloved family, i got bunch of frens willing to celebrate wit me..
thanks so much my frens, it meant alot to me

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