Friday, December 31, 2010

last post for year 2010

another year is going to end very soon...
wats ur feeling?

n so sudden, today was declared as a public holiday due to Malaysia team has won the Suzuki cup. for me, i dont wan today is holiday as ll be going to have replacement class, haiz.. But good for those who is working coz suddenly 1 more extra day holiday or extra paid

hm... i think most of u all had been thinking, wat have u done tis year?
actually tis year quite many things happen on me- my sweet, sour, bitter, spicy year
it causes me to i knw myself a bit more but still, i knw tat i'm still not mature enough :(

i think this year is my most stressful year as I'm officially sitting for my ACCA examination for my 1st time. I do hope next year I can overcome it & handle my stress well

i had been joining for many contests tis year (coz i m too desparate of money ed)
but dint win much prizes, sometime i been thinking, i m stupid coz always dreams of getting prizes or money through contest?

from the contests & ACCA , i had learned something, hard work dont always give wat u want, u need is LUCK! (i m too lacking of luck tis year T.T )
but still i wont give up de!!

new year resolution~
update next year (tomorrow XD)
hope will be a better year for me starting from tmr!!!!!

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