Saturday, January 8, 2011

New Year, Old Resolutions

Another has passed again
n i also realised tat i m older 1 year again.. oh no, my golden key year pass soon sob.. sob..
as for my resolution?
the same resolution for last year coz i dont think i have achived it well :(
everyone says new year, new resolution but how can everyear u think so many of creative new resolutions? n i dont think most of u all achive all ur last year resolutions bah.. XD

1. Most most of the girls and guys will say tis : Weight LOSS!!!
yes, tis year i ll continue work hard to keep fit as i wan wear alot of pretty cloths during coming chinese new year ^^

2. Study and work harder for my coming sitting
after got lessons from my 1st sitting of ACCA, i now then know the importance of constant study technique (but i still havent started it yet.. T.T) burning midnite oil is no longer enough for me lioa ...

Remember always to believe
in yourself, your abilities, that
challenges are ment to be met
confidently, and at the
end of it all is a rainbow.

i do hope 'that' rainbow really can appear~

3. Having a fun break
i m going to graduate tis year!!! but i m not going to work 1st as i need a break, I NEED HOLIDAYS! after a 18 years of study i think i really need a break for while.... time really FLIES as i m going to end my study life soon n more challenges is waiting for me.... 'my frens, remember to go out wit me for holidays ya, ok ok?? '

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