Saturday, January 8, 2011

Birthday birthday to u, Boss

Date: 8 JAN 2011

free glitter text and family website at!!!!!

see tat monkey sticker? tat is u XD

having great webcam section wit u in my afternoon n ur midnite

but sorry tat i was BIT busy hehe

ur hair really looks not bad, vy 'yeng' haha

as for ur presents??


Milo ice!!! i knw u love tis so much haha

3 big scoops of CHOCOLATE ice creams.. yummy yummy~

multi kind of chocolatessssssssssss (got air liur ed?)

Last but not least, CHOCOLATE cake!!!

Disclamer: ur presents are all in pictures form only. dont expect me to belanja tis ah, i ll pokai later haha. Plus, i dont wan u to get fat, by looking at pics u wont get fat wahaha

Enjoy ur 'presents'~


Lan said...

makcik , cepat belanja tim , aku mau minta sikit

Timothy said...

LOL!!! air liur dah meleleh le. mana oleh gambar saja oh. lol. okla milo ice u belaja, hen ice cream mashi u hutang, kek saya belanja. hehehe. kita makan sampai syok syok la! lan ur invited.....coz i need u to get that ice cream. lol

Timothy said...
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Eevee said...

=.= pakcik main tumpang...
tim, then u fast fast come back haha.. nanti expiry