Friday, February 25, 2011

38 roommate n me

KL had a great n scary rain yesterday afternoon
i can feel the thunder like was just in front of u
i was scared till not dare to on my laptop(scare my laptop kena BOOM later)
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then sudden i when to window n have a shock tat the road both way are filled with water
tis time is the most serious as normally it only have a small flood on 1 side of the roadImage Hosted by

both tat cars so kasihan coz the water level has reach their tire.

then sudden we saw a stupid owner thought tat he can pass through but mana tau,
his car stop at the middle, end up he had to get out from car wit whole body wet and dont knw wat to do look XD

think back yesterday was quite funny, as me n my roommate are so 38 kept looking at outside incident BUT with very tiny heart
when we see a flash, quickly
1. we step backward,
2. hands on ears n then
3.SHOUT for the thunder~ Image Hosted by


Mr.Crazy said...

that driver stuck at the middle of the road too noob lah, suppose pull to only single gear drive only pass thru ma...... XD

Eevee said...

aiyo.. u go ajar him laaaa
haha..i knw pass there jiu stupid de la