Monday, February 21, 2011

3 papers CLEARED

finally got my result for my Dec 10 ACCA examination
after a long wait, 5.30pm my result finally arrive to my inbox
on tat particular moment, my hand turn cold n scare shaking.
after a few minutes then i opened my mail

[p1: pass
p2: pass
p3: pass]

wow!! at last!! i passed all! a great great relief
after a month of zombie nites, i finally can see my result of it
but i do knw tat, ACCA is really very very tough,
u wrote until ur hand patah, u also may fail too or cant get a very good result
really Thx God tat i pass all

but still is not the end yet, 2 more papers to go
especially AFM
from tis time result, i knw tat i must work extra hard from now onward!

jia you Eevee!!!
dont play play wit ACCA

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