Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My chinese new year

tomorrow is the last day of CNY (Chap Goh Meh)
before i totally forgot wat i had done tis cny n before it end, i better write a post about it now (since i still got bit bit CNY mood now)

tis year will be my 1st time celebrating Chap Goh Meh here, n i think will pass it just like my normal day :(

welcome me to year of rabbit
i really do hope tis will be a lucky n much much better year in EVERY aspect for me
during tis CNY i keep asking myself not to sigh but i failed to do it....

there r unhappy n happy things happen, but i was still glad tat i had come back to my lovely hometown celebrate my CNY
though there r some frens i dint got to meet, but i still happy can see most my old frens
we only can meet once a years, but our feeling did not change n i hope it last forever
must appreciate it oh

as usual i go back to my mother's side relative to have reunion dinner

simple meals but it brings all of us gather together

tis year i finally got to see pne of my cousin which we dint meet for many years.

all comes in pair (big sis,small bro)

went to a few frens house n always yam cha at nite hehe...

ohya, tis year the fireworks are much more than last year, is twu ppl getting rich or wat? y i dont feel tat i m getting rich de? the fireworks non stop play few days before CNY n till the day i back to KL.

1st nite of CNY, my bedroom turn to disco room as so many kinds of colour from fireworks appear in my room. got to see very nice fireworks everynite especially 1 nite, i got the chance to look just under it.. wow!! syok!!

not knw wat to write anymore, lets the pics to speak the rest for me

yam cha section few days b4 cny

1st day of CNY

2nd day:

Fang Yee's
3rd day:
Chun Yi's

potrait of me Thx to Vic so much ^^
wuu..1st time being a FAKE showgirl XD
bit sad to accept the fact tat cny going to end soon but i very
HOPE will be another great CNY for me next year!! GONG XI FA CAI!!

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