Egoism= self-interest
Utilitarianism= greatest good for greatest number of people
i learned tis 2 words during my Professional Accountant (P1) paper
i have been thinking is it good to be egoist?
be an egoist is it better than utilitarianist?
actually being egoist is quiet good hor?
wat for u care so much on other people feel when u feel will 'fan'
it doesnt bring any benefit on urself as tis will cause you more suffer
n other people may not know tat u r doing good thing for them n tat u r care on their feeling
try to be cruel bit mayb tis may cause u feel better
i wan be egoist~
1 comment:
yorr,just composed a very very long long comment to reply your post suddenly line down pulak.
Anyway, this is my view.
I was once egoistic and competitive during high school and then I realized that I went the wrong way because I was too self-defensive and I was thought about competition. Later when I realized this is all wrong, I made a vow to change.
Today, I am very sure that my approach to change is correct - changing to a more altruistic me (more utilitarianistic). You see, no matter how much self-centered enough, you can't help yourself not to care about social concern much.
Our moral classes and religion teach us to be in utilitarianism actually. Even science also gave us evidence that we are ONE human species that are soft-wired to each other and to the environment, thus make us EMPHATIC beings. The only thing that makes us hate is the environment we're living in.
So, try to care more. Of course some will not appreciate them (I bet these people are egoistic), but life has to go on as well. At the end of the day, the only thing you can take away from this temporary world is LOVE. :)
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